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Structure of management

Structure of management and coordination of the cluster

(including existing channels for information exchange and communication, as well as mechanisms for decision making regarding the cluster activities)

"Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster is a self-organizing system in which firms cooperate in vertical or horizontal "chains" to provide additional added value and to increase competitiveness. It brings together the expertise and competencies, market responsibility and innovation of various types and focus of activity, organizations of the vertical chain formation, presentation, implementation and evaluation of tourist products and associated services. Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" combines the efforts of a) higher education institution and high school, teaching staff in the field of tourism, marketing and entrepreneurship, b) firms performing tour operator and tour agency activities c) Culinary Academy, operating in the fields of vocational culinary education, culinary innovative technologies and production of culinary products; d) companies engaged in consulting, financial and accounting services, supporting the activity of hoteliers, restaurant owners; e) companies working in the field of electronic marketing and advertising. Ensuring all processes (core and ancillary) associated with the marketing of tourism products and the related services as well as synergies, transfer of expertise, sharing and trade of resources and mutual cooperation by their nature are leading factors for development of the cluster and the achievement of its objectives.
The structure of the management and coordination of the cluster, coordination between members and mechanisms for decision-making on cluster activities are referred to in the Statute of Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality". Statute of the association is prepared to ensure effective coordination of the activities of the cluster and to ensure equal participation of members in the process of decision making and management of the activities of the cluster. Cluster members have chosen a two-step model of governance that ensures transparency and efficiency of the work.
Governing bodies of the Association are the General Assembly and the Management Board. The General Assembly is a supreme body in which the right aloud is comprising all members of the cluster. Newly accepted members have equal rights with the founders and participate equally in the implementation of cluster activities and have access to the resources of the cluster on equal terms.
In the Statute of Association are clearly defined and separated the powers of both the governing body - General Assembly and Management Board. The powers of the General Assembly are related to amendment and supplementing the Statute, the adoption of internal regulations, electing and dismissing the members of the Management Board, the decision-making for participating in other organizations, adopting the budget of the association, the adoption of the activity report of Management Board. The Statute provides that the General Assembly could repeal the decisions of other bodies of the association that are contrary to the law, the Statute or other internal documents regulating the activities of the association.
The Management Board is the other authority who is directly responsible for coordinating and organizing the activities of the cluster. The Management Board of the Association consists of a Chairman and two members, elected by the General Assembly for a period of 60 months. The term of office of the members of the Board enables that all members of the cluster to participate on a rotating basis in the Management Board. The main powers of the Board are: to represent the association and to determine the representative power of the individual members thereof, to ensure the implementation of decisions of the General Assembly, to determine the terms and to organize the activities of the association; to prepare activity report and financial statement of expenditure, which to submit to the General Assembly, to make decisions on all matters which by law or under the Statute do not belong to any other authority;
Cluster is represented by the Chairman, who is elected by the members of the Management Board and has the right to represent itself the association to a third party. The Chairman coordinates ongoing activities and enforces the decisions of the members of the association.
Members of the cluster perform regular communication, by using effective communication channels and methods. Coordination and communication between members is carried out through several methods - meetings of the General Assembly and the Board, regular meetings of representatives of the members of the cluster, electronic and written correspondence. Additionally, in order to ensure more effective coordination and communication between the members are developed and adopted by the General Assembly the following documents: internal rules and procedures and ethical code of interaction between members of the cluster.

Role of each participant in the overall cluster activity.
1. "International College" Ltd. provides services to members of the cluster associated with professional and practical training and prequalification of the management structure and staff relating to the management, tourism and related services, assessing training needs within the developing plans for development, contributes to the development of innovative training programs, providing expertise and advice on innovative projects and development plans, contributes to the development of standard for quality of the practical professional training in the field of gastronomy, explores, presents and implements new techniques and technologies for the production of high quality culinary products, consistent with the principles of healthy nutrition, Bulgarian and international culinary traditions, contributes to the creation of products with high added value in the field of family hospitality and tourism.
2. "International Management Institute" association provides expert services, consulting and implementation of activities in the field of marketing, advertising and business planning; examines international experience in the field of culinary tourism, examines the international and European tendencies in the field of training and the introduction of new technologies in learning process, explores the possibilities and conditions for approval of the standard of quality on practical vocational training in the field of gastronomy, supports the establishment and maintenance of contacts with similar structures and clusters at national and international level, supports the management of cluster members, organizes and carries out quality training and competition for the most attractive tribute and presentation of food and drink within the course "Customer Care", prepares and makes available for use by all members of the cluster a professional standards for customer service in dining outlets and entertainment.
3. "Ekotel" Ltd. explores the current market companies in the culinary, food, accommodation, develops and executes services in marketing products and services provided by members of the cluster, supports the marketing performance and attraction of new customers for cluster members and new members of the cluster.
4. "International University College" contributes to improving the qualifications of the staff members of the cluster, organizes seminars, conferences and other public events for presenting the activities of its members, provides expertise and advice on the viability of innovative business projects, examines international and European trends in innovation and sustainable business, regularly analyzes the Bulgarian business environment and trends in the tourism and hospitality; undertakes researches in the field of tourism, culinary and hospitality about the needs and requirements of the business for skills and competencies of the workforce, contributes to construction of standard for quality practical professional training in the field of gastronomy, encourages and contributes to technology transfer and applied research results from the cluster members, informs members of the cluster to the latest national, European and international practices in the field of tourism, culinary and hospitality; initiates actions to increase market share, innovation and creation of products with high added value in the areas of tourism, hospitality and culinary, organizes the participation of the cluster in national and international culinary and tourism fairs, identifies markets with large or growing potential, develops and executes strategies to improve the market position of the companies working in the field of gastronomy.
5. "E-Tours" Ltd. and 11. "Eurotour" Ltd. develop and offer tourist products based on the services provided by the cluster members, including organize the services of cluster members in tourist packages, provide incorporate technological and culinary innovations in the practice of managed by cluster members eateries; implement common advertising and marketing strategy of the cluster, inform the cluster members about the latest national, European and international trends in tourism and hospitality, organize the participation of the cluster in national and international cooking and tourist expositions and exchanges; assist in attracting new members to the cluster.
6. "HRC Culinary Academy Bulgaria" Ltd. organizes cooking courses, competitions and exhibitions with the participation of members of the cluster, examine and presents new techniques and technologies for the production of high quality culinary products, consistent with the principles of healthy eating and Bulgarian traditions; organizes the participation of the cluster in national and international culinary and tourism fairs, examines international experience in the field of culinary tourism, supports the establishment and maintenance of contacts with similar structures and clusters at national and international levels, advises on the introduction of the latest information and communication technologies as a resource and environment for practical training, providing expertise to build quality reference of practical vocational training in the field of gastronomy.
7. Accounting firm "Inter" Ltd. and 13. "SANEX" Ltd. provide financial, accounting and tax advice to members of the cluster, provide advice on selection and training of staff; produce business plans and strategies to expand the activities of the cluster members and providing its market sustainability, pursue researches for skills needed of the labor market in tourism, culinary and hospitality, arrange internships and programs for exchange of experience in companies and partner organizations within the European Union.
8. Private School of Tourism and Entrepreneurship "Rayko Tsonchev" organizes seminars, conferences and other public events for business members and future plans for general cluster activities, monitors and studies the opinions and expectations of local communities in terms of investment in human resources development and corporate social responsibility in tourism, culinary and hospitality; prepares interns and volunteers to help cluster members in the organization of seminars and demonstrations.
9. "Akristo" Ltd. provides e-marketing and internet promotion of activities and cluster members, supports and organizes the normal functioning of the online reservation system of the cluster, provides computer and IT services to the members of the cluster, promotes the activity of the cluster on the Internet and social networks by helping to attract new members, provides advice on the introduction of multimedia resources, online applications and other information and communication technologies as an innovative means of optimizing the management and servicing in the field of tourism and hospitality as a resource and environment for practical training in the field of gastronomy.
10. "Adventure – Teodora Dimitrova" provides facilities and eateries for the demonstration of culinary products and culinary tours as attractions in the field of alternative tourism, organizes culinary exhibitions and culinary courses for members of the cluster, monitors trends and conditions for the development of rural and alternative tourism and exchange of experiences and good practices in this area with other members of the cluster, communicates with the companies in the sector of hotels and rural tourism, which are both customers of services of the cluster and its potential members.
11. "Simpex" supports projects for technological innovation of the assets of cluster members, develops technology solutions and projects to equip facilities for manufacture of culinary products and provides basic tourist services - hotels, restaurants, office premises and more.; provides advice on choosing and buying equipment, helps to attract new members to the cluster, supports "Akristo" Ltd. in promoting the activity of the cluster on the Internet and among tourist companies that it serves.

Geographical coverage and regional significance of the cluster

"Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster carries out activities in the territory of the North-East planning region in Varna, Dobrich, Targovishte. Four members of the cluster are with headquarters and office in Varna, seven - in the city of Dobrich and two - located within the area of Targovishte, thus the activity of the cluster members is focused in North-East planning region.
"International University College", "International College" Ltd., "International Institute of Management" and Accounting firm "Inter" support facilities and offices both in Varna and Dobrich, which facilitates the provision of services to a larger geographical area within the Northeast planning region. Practically the educational organizations in the cluster, which offer vocational training (IUC MK Ltd and HRC), operate on a national level, because they have training facilities and training centers in Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo and Bourgas (in addition to Dobrich and Varna), which is a prerequisite for effective expansion of the geographic scope of the cluster in the future. Activities are being undertaken to attract new members, to expand the territorial scope, diversification of cluster activities and especially the services offered to and by the members and to ensure their economic sustainability and competitiveness.
"Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster is essential for the development of tourism and related services such as restaurants, food and the development of alternative forms of tourism. For example, a new policy to promote Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination is focused on the attractive culinary and nature of our country, which is further evidence of the wide variety of the Bulgarian culinary traditions and its role in the development of sustainable tourism. Exactly in this direction are oriented activities of the "Culinary arts and hospitality" Cluster.
The development of the "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" Cluster supports the economic development of the region in several aspects such as:
- develops and markets a comprehensive tourist product (culture, nature, ethnography, art and culinary traditions and art) with higher added value, which increases the competitiveness of the regional economy;
- trains and qualifies personnel in the field of tourism and related services, which is a key factor for growth, improving the market position of the companies in the sector, creating new jobs and an ability of the business to offer products with high added value;
- increase the quality and innovativeness of the tourist products and diversifies packages, which is a prerequisite for the growth of the number of tourists and customers and development of the local economy;
- supports the introduction of innovative technologies in the field of gastronomy through investments, transfer of experience and know-how from foreign partners, organization of demonstrations and exhibitions of innovation in the culinary arts and technology for the production of culinary products and conducting professional training to ensure the smooth introduction of such technologies;
- introduces electronic marketing and online reservation system, etc.;
- creates an overall concept and introduces the use of multimedia resources, online applications and environments, and interactive modern information and communication technologies in the practical training in cookery, in order to create opportunities for effective learning and continuous improvement of the professionals in the industry without prolonged interruption from the working environment;
- introduces the company's standards for quality, certification of tourist activities and products and develops standard and benchmark for high quality practical training in the field of gastronomy;
- popularizes and promotes alternative forms of tourism by organizing information sessions, participation in exhibitions, organizing culinary tours, exhibitions and competitions.
Through its activities AKIG builds conditions and prerequisites for the development of sustainable forms of tourism and diversification of businesses and thus - the creation of new jobs. Cluster members maintain sustainable levels of employment in the last five years and manage to preserve the jobs created in terms of crisis. Expansion of the cluster will allow the introduction of new services by members, business sustainability and the creation of additional employment.

Market positions of the cluster

Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" defines itself as a strategic alliance of companies and organizations in the field of tourism, and culinary services that implement the process of establishing, implementing and enforcing market tourism and culinary products that demonstrate effective relationship between business, applied research and education. Purpose of the unification is to be achieved the necessary expertise and institutional capacity for creating and marketing of products and services in the field of gastronomy, which to impose as a unique tourist attraction the Bulgarian cuisine and to contribute to the development of cultural tourism with high added value. At the core of the cluster strategy is strengthening relations in the field of alternative tourism, increasing the share of services based on culinary arts and hospitality and enforcement services related to the preparation and presentation of culinary products. Cluster AKIG stimulates the development and implementation of new culinary and tourism products that to be characterized by a high added value and new cooking technologies to enrich and diversify (horizontal and vertical) services in catering and enhance quality of products and services in the field of gastronomy, family hospitality and tourism. In this sense, the cluster is mainly focused on innovation and consultancy and development activities for the benefit of small and medium business. By cooperating in the form of integration of expertise and resources, exchange of good practice and common development activities, AKIG allows the exploitation and the development of projects that would not be within the power of individual members.
Market positions of AKIG are particularly strong in the field of innovation, consulting and development activities in the field of tourism and gastronomy as part of alternative tourism. "International University College" (IUC), HRC Culinary Academy and the International Management Institute are leading institutions in the field of applied research and innovation in the culinary, hospitality and tourism. AKIG has satisfactory market share of tour operator and tour agency services, especially in the town of Dobrich and Varna, where "E-Tours" Ltd and "Eurotur" Ltd are one of the leading tour agencies. In its capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises, representatives of the sectors of hotels, restaurants and production of culinary products (MK Ltd., Ekotel, "Eurotour" LTD, ST "Adventure" and HRC Culinary Academy ) have adequate market share and high growth potential. Vocational Training Centre at MK Ltd. is one of the leading providers of educational services in the field of vocational education and training in the field of tourism at national level.
The activity of AKIG is primarily aimed at the domestic market, in terms of the territorial distribution, it was initially concentrated in the districts of Dobrich, Varna, Targovishte. In less than 1 year of active work AKIG has attracted attention and thus membership for 3 commercial structures that share its objectives. The aim of the cluster is to continue to attract new members, expanding the scope of its activities and therefore the intensity of the impact on prioritized areas across the Northeast region, and in the future - at the national level. Cluster creates effective international partnerships, and the goal is to be implemented in Bulgaria international good practices and experiences in culinary innovation. To this end it is used the already existing partnership network from the founders of the cluster - MK Ltd, International Institute of Management, International University College, "E-Tours" Ltd and the Bulgarian-Dutch Culinary Academy HRC. And new channels of cooperation are develop.

March 2025
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Tourist information

  • Tours in Bulgaria - VisitBulgariaOn.com

    VisitBulgariaOn.com is a product of VIP-Sliven Ltd - tour operator and travel agent with license number PK-01-6616 in the Bulgarian legislation. The tour operator is one of the pioneers to promote Bulgaria abroad.

    For more information please visit us at www.VisitBulgariaOn.com

  • Regional History Museum Dobrich

    9300 Dobrich, 18D-r K. Stoilov Str., Tel.Fax 00359/58/603 256, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Monday to Sunday (1 May – 30 September) 8.00 a.m. – 17.30 p.m.

    Monday to Friday (1 October – 30 April) 8.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
    Saturday and Sunday, on preliminary order.

    1. For visiting one Museum:
    Adults 2.00 lv.
    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 1.00 lv.

    2. For one tourist route:
    Adults 4.00 lv.
    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 2.00 lv.

    4.Guided tour 12.00 lv.

Official tourism site of Bulgaria